Posted on 3/23/2021

O’Shea Collision is ready and able to work with all insurance Company’s. We have the most modern estimating software to get you a fast and accurate assessment for you and your insurance company. Our software allows us to know in minutes every part needed to complete your repair without delays. O’Shea Collision is equipped with a Heated Down Draft Paint Booth, to insure a better than factory finish on your vehicle. The booth is heated to bake the paint and down draft air flow is to keep any contaminants out of the finished product. We are also equipped with a full size frame rack to handle frame repairs on truck frames and other vehicles needing to straighten their frame Chris Stull, O’Shea Collision Center Manager, has managed and ran an auto body repair shop for the last twelve years. Prior to that he worked for new car dealerships and independents for ten years. Chris is certified in every aspect of modern automotive collision repair, refinishing ... read more